National Government of the State of New Mexico

Resident Declarations

Raoul Chavez RESIDENT DECLARATION-Raoul Chavez.pdf

Gabriel Darren Armenta RESIDENT DECLARATION-Gabriel Darren Armenta.pdf

Jessene Roe Beecroft Reisdent declaration-Jessene Roe Beecroft.pdf

Valerie Ann Moornan 20171222-SRES-Valerie Ann Moornan.pdf

North American National Party Members-Chapter 32


Social Compact Agreement

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 118-Valerie A Moorman.pdf

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 145-Raoul Chavez.pdf

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 146-Gabriel Darren Armenta.pdf

Bilateral Social Compact-Jessene Roe Beecroft.pdf

Official Record

September 13th 28th, 2018

National Government of the State of New Mexico Official Record.pdf

Constitution of the State of New Mexico as amended September 13th,2018

Constitution for the National Government of the State of New Mexico.pdf

Instrument of Ratification of the Charter of the American Continent

Instrument of Ratification by the National Government of the State of New Mexico.pdf

Charter of the American Continent
