National Government of the State of Pennsylvania


Resident Declarations

Justin James Yingling 20180313-SRES-Justin James Yingling.pdf

Charles Gilbert Scott Charles Gilbert Scott.pdf

Matriya Shalai Johnson Matriya Shalai Johnson.pdf

James Thomas Michaels Jr. State resident Declaration-James Thomas Michaels Jr..pdf

North American National Party Members-Chapter 39


Social Compact Agreement

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 107-Matriya Shalai Johnson.pdf

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 108-Justin Yingling.pdf

Bilateral Social Compact Agreement – Entry ID 109-Charles Gilbert Scott.pdf


Official Record

July 28th, 2018

Official record State of Pennsylvania.pdf

General Post Master Liaison for the National Government of the State of Pennsylvania

Letter of Appointment Christopher Travis Milowski 20190113-GPO-Milowski-CT-Letter of Appointment.pdf

Letter of Acceptance Christopher Travis Milowski 20190114-GPO-Milowski-CT- Liaison Letter of Acceptance.pdf

Constitution of the State of Pennsylvania as amended July 20th, 2018

Constitution National Government of the State of Pennsylvania.pdf

Instrument of Ratification of the Charter of the American Continent

Instument Ratification State of Pennsylvania.pdf

Charter of the American Continent
