- American Herald Public Notices
- American National assembly of The United States of America
- American National Union of The United States of America
- assembly of Elohim
- Automobile Association
- Bank of North America
- Charter of the American Continent
- Continental Army, Navy and Marines
- Department of Energy for the Government of The United States of America
- Department of State for The United States of America
- Fraternal Order of the Reign of the Heavens Society
- General Post Master Council
- General Post Office
- General Post Office Division 3
- General Post Union of The United States of America
- Department of Agriculture
- Human Rights Defenders
- Human Rights Tribunal
- Individual Grant Deeds
- International Truck Operators Association
- Journals of the Continental Congress
- Law of Nations
- Military
- National assembly
- National Government of the State of Alabama
- National Government of the State of Arizona
- National Government of the State of California
- National Government of the State of Colorado
- National Government of the State of Florida
- National Government of the State of Iowa
- National Government of the State of Kansas
- National Government of the State of Massachusetts-Bay
- National Government of the State of New Hampshire
- National Government of the State of New Mexico
- National Government of the State of New York
- National Government of the State of Ohio
- National Government of the State of Pennsylvania
- National Government of the State of Texas
- National Government of the State of Utah
- National Government of the State of Wisconsin
- National assembly
- North American National Party
- Notary Presenter
- Office of the coroner
- Office of the Governor for The United States of America
- Office of the registrar for The United States of America
- Office of the Secretary of State for The United States of America
- Office of the Treasury for The United States of America
- Original Union of 1781 to Present Day
- Proof of Life Certificates
- Property Registrations
- reign of the heavens
- reign of the heavens Healing Center
- reign of the heavens society temple
- Renouncing the kingdoms of the World and all their glory ruled by Lucifer
- Repository
- San Diego county assembly
- States of the Union of The United States of America
- The National Great Registry for The United States of America
- Town of the reign of the heavens
- United States, in Congress assembled
- USC Chamber of Commerce
- War Crimes Tribunal